Sysco delivery driver saved after crashing on bridge

On Friday, a commercial truck driver from Kentucky narrowly avoided a catastrophic incident when an oncoming vehicle collided with his semi-truck, resulting in the vehicle teetering dangerously over the edge of a bridge. The incident happened on the George Rogers Clark Memorial Bridge, situated in Louisville, Kentucky. Miraculously, the driver was rescued by emergency personal.

The driver of the oncoming vehicle had entered the lane designated for oncoming traffic and subsequently struck the semi-truck, causing it to breach the guardrail and precariously hang over the bridge’s edge. During a press conference, Mayor Craig Greenberg of Louisville disclosed details of the incident, highlighting the significance of truck safety and awareness for both commercial truck drivers and passenger vehicle drivers.

It is not always possible to avoid all accidents but there are steps that professional drivers can take to stay safer on the road. The FMCSA has a list of safety tips for drivers.

  • Check your blind spots by checking your mirrors every 8 to 10 seconds. This while looking about the equivalence of 1/4 mile ahead for road hazards and other potential dangers. This should give you enough time to make a safe decision based on your surroundings.
  • Always wear a safety belt while driving. This also goes for your passengers. Wearing a safety belt greatly increases your chances of survival in an antecedent. It will also hold you in place, helping to keep you behind the wheel and keeping the truck under control.
  • Always drive at a safe speed. Driving a safe speed will help with stopping and avoiding accidents and hazards. This includes driving in adverse weather conditions where the speed limit may still be to fast for a heavy commercial vehicle.
  • Staying focused and avoiding distractions are a must for commercial drivers. We are not just talking about cell phone use. Playing with the stereo to find the right song can take your attention off the road just long enough to be tragic. Avoiding distractions, especially in a busy area or construction zone are essential to be safe. Not just for you but for those around you.

Safe driving doesn’t just mean you need to be safe. In the case of the Sysco driver, he seemed to be following the rules of the road. It was another careless driver that almost caused him his life.

Please be safe and watch out for other drivers. Someone is expecting you to come home.






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